Large Stone

Why do Japanese people throw beans in February?

Japanese people throw beans in February as part of a traditional event called Setsubun.

This event happens around February 3rd or 4th and marks the transition from winter to spring according to the old lunar calendar.

During Setsubun, families gather together to perform a ritual called "mamemaki," which means bean throwing.

They throw roasted soybeans both inside and outside their homes while shouting "Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!"

This phrase means "Out with demons! In with good luck!"

The tradition of throwing beans has its roots in ancient Japanese beliefs.

One story says that a demon named "Oni" used to cause trouble during Setsubun.

To scare him away, people threw beans at him.

Over time, this became a tradition to drive away bad luck and invite good fortune.

Another reason for throwing beans is to clean the house and get rid of any lingering negativity from the past year.

By tossing beans, people symbolically cleanse their homes and lives, preparing for a fresh start with the arrival of spring.

Setsubun isn't just about throwing beans; it's a time for families to come together and celebrate.

Besides mamemaki, people enjoy eating a special kind of sushi roll called "ehōmaki."

They eat it while facing a lucky direction determined by the Chinese zodiac, hoping for a prosperous year ahead.

In summary, throwing beans in February is a meaningful tradition in Japan that symbolizes driving away evil spirits, inviting good luck, and preparing for a new beginning with the arrival of spring.

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